How does it work for us?

Photography & Stationery
- 1 - The first impression

You have found us - cool! You like our photos - very cool! Then let's get to know each other ... because it's very important that you know who you're dealing with. We are with you all day long and the chemistry has to be right.

- 2 - There is a decision

You decide "Yes, we like them" (there is no discussion about a no here ;-P).
You get an offer from us.
The offer fits for you? Then comes the contract.
Let's "seal it" - and with a deposit of 30% nobody can take this date away from you.

- 3 - Final meeting

About a month before your wedding we meet again and talk about the exact course of your big day, exchange "posing ideas" and discuss exactly when we should be where.

- 4 - The big day

We'll be your shadow, following you wherever you go (almost) - all to capture your most beautiful moments photographically.
We laugh, cry and rejoice with you ... and are also there for you (fetching water, straightening skirts, holding flowers, etc.) when your dearest helpers are a few meters too far away.

- 5 - There are Fooootoooos!

Yes, we (unfortunately) also have to talk about money ... so: You've paid the balance and about five weeks after the wedding, you'll have your photos in your hands or on your tablet or on your computer - however you wanted them.

- 1 - The first impression

You found us and you like our stationery - *yay*. Then let's get to know each other - because designing is teamwork and we'll have a lot to do with each other ... no, that's not a threat, because we're quite sweet!

- 2 - There is a decision

You liked the meeting, all ideas are discussed, a common schedule (when should what be ready and how long do we have time for it) was created, the budget also fits and you decide for us: Then now comes a detailed offer.
The offer fits for you? Then let's "seal it" - and with a deposit of 30% on the design fee, we'll get started.

- 3 - Let the designing begin

What do we need from you: Date, location, and texts, texts, texts ... in other words, everything you'd like your guests to know.
What comes from us: Let us surprise you - no, just kidding! We will discuss fonts, colors, possible finishes, possible seals and the paper and then we will start designing.
Very soon you have a first draft ... and after a few times of writing back and forth, changing texts, exchanging graphics etc. we have a final version on which everything else is built like a red thread.

- 4 - From sample to approval

The design is in place - then let's see how it looks on the paper you've chosen.

Do you like the sample print? Then we proofread it one last time and after the written approval, it's off to the print shop.

- 5 - There is stationery!

But how do you get them? We'll discuss that in detail in person.🙂